Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Joy to be in Jordan

Last week I had the opportunity to go to the wonderful country of Jordan. I spent 4 days touring the cities of Petra, Amman, and Jerash.


Petra just became the second wonder of the world. Growing up, I never thought I would see any wonders of the world, let alone 2 in the time span of two months! It was incredible to think that this was built by people in 100 BCE and the places they lived were carved out of the mountain.

Me and Brianna

Rachel, me, Chris

Being sacrificed on an ancient alter at "The High Place of Sacrifice" on top of a mountain. This could have been an alter that animal sacrifice was made on in Biblical times.

Ever seen Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade? Here is the temple that is in the movie.  It is called "The Treasury."  And here I am standing with Indiana Jones himself.

 There were donkeys trotting around everywhere at Petra. I have never heard a donkey "hee-haw" and it is SO loud!


Falling off a cliff. Don't worry, due to my incredible strength, I was able to pull myself up. With one hand.


Me and Brianna, my roommate.


Shopping in Jordan. Wearing sweet Jordanian durags.


   Me and Chelsea Owens. Look at the dust on our fingers! The rock was super red.


This is the most well preserved Roman city outside of Rome. I have never been to Europe, but from all the pictures I've seen, this made me feel like I was there.

An ancient Roman theater

The flower girls

Me and Brianna

Hercules Columns


Amman is the capital of Jordan, and it was so modern. Here, we got to go to the Mecca Mall where we shopped a little and went bowling. My friends and I were bowling and even ran into a Muslim couple from Saudi Arabia on their honeymoon! It was pretty cool :) We also got to see a beautiful mosque. Our last stop of the trip was going to the baptismal site of Jesus Christ, which was a wonderful experience.

I love mosques. They are such beautiful buildings.

Standing at the Baptismal site of Jesus Christ at the Jordan River.

This picture is for Alison Stapley. Not only am I rocking my fanny pack but I also have two sweaters tied around my waste. Fashion statement.

In order to be considered modest to enter the Muslim Mosque, we had to wear these black robes. Not wanting to have a huge pooch with the robe draping over my fanny pack ...I decided it would be classy to rock it in front.

Jumping off Romans ruins!

No, technically I am not a tree hugger. Just a palm tree hugger because I love palm trees.

That's all for now. Love you all and have a great week!


  1. Anne your pictures are so great! You're gonna be so happy you blogged while you were there. I've been trying to catch up with Peru stuff since i've been home & there's just so much to do it's overwhelming. I hope you're doing well, thanks for that sweet email, you're such a doll. Glad you didn't fall off that cliff :)

  2. Hey Annie bananie! Love the pictures! You are so, so cute ( even if you are my daughter!) I am so glad you are having a blast and a half...keep up the fun and don't forget how much we all love you here at home! muah!

  3. anne, you are the classiest girl in the whole middle east for sure. who else could pull off a fanny pack PLUS two sweaters? only you dearest, only you.
