Saturday, February 21, 2009

I <3 Jerusalem!

I can't believe that my journey in Jerusalem is basically half way over! Now that I call Jerusalem "home," it's sad to think that I'll be leaving in 2 months. I have had so many incredible experiences! Not only am I having a blast, but I'm having so many experiences that are strengthening my testimony in our Savior Jesus Christ. I'm so grateful for him and his sacrifice.

This is a club that my friend Jess Veater and I started last week. We go out to eat once a week at a different restaurant to get the cultural experience. So far we have gone to lunch and gotten falafels (a favorite....fried chick pea balls in a pita) and pasta.

"I'm in Heaven" look...eating a falafel

So we had a dance party and the plan was to dress up crazy. We all went a little emo. So fun.

Me, Janay(my roomie), and Emilie

I love field trips. It's best kind of learning! We learn about the places and events and then are able to go visit the places.

Miriam, Steph, and Me at Bet-Shemesh. Many of the stories of the bible happened here like the story of Samson and Delilah and David and Goliath.

The Goliath that some students in my Old Testament Class made.

I played the role of David and got to use a sling and fling rocks at Goliath!  It was pretty fun and the people around me were lucky that they did not get hit. I was pretty reckless.

We went splunking in some caves. The cave we went through was called "The Birth Canal." For a good reason. It was a very tight squeeze getting through it. It felt good to be "reborn." :)


  1. Cute, cute pictures Anne! I remember the David and Goliath place! The caving sounds super fun!

  2. hahah I love your pictures and captions Anne!
